Surprise Me!
Routine Magic
$12.00 -
Boy's Own Book
$70.00 -
Blackstone and His Show of 1001 Wonders
$20.00 -
Paul Stangorr Business Card
$25.00 -
Tricks of the Masters
$30.00 -
The Young Conjuror Volume II
$35.00 -
Magician Balancing Cannonball Card Photograph
$175.00 -
Vampire Mirror, Issue No. 1
$20.00 -
Colteaux Entertainers Window Card
$30.00 -
The Boy's Own Volume
$40.00 -
Endless Amusement
$300.00 -
Inventions of the Ancients by Hero of Alexandria
$200.00 -
Fell's Guide to Papercraft Tricks, Games and Puzzles
$15.00 -
The Great Balsamo
$20.00 -
The Mysterious Book of Magic
$12.00 -
Monster Magic Vaudeville Window Card
$40.00 -
Postcard Stamped Docweiss Escapologist
$20.00 -
The Parlour Book
$200.00 -
Max Holden Token
$22.00 -
$65.00 -
The Conjurer's Vade Mecum
$35.00 -
Lives of the Conjurors
$125.00 -
Recollections of Robert-Houdin
$75.00 -
Les Mille et Un Amusements de Societe