Clippings | Scrapbooks
Kardani the Magician Article in Shaan Magazine
$15.00 -
Will Goldston Cabinet of Tricks Label
$45.00 -
Day Francis the Great Newspaper Article
$300.00 -
Dick Tracy “Mystery Contest” Chicago Tribune Serial
$150.00 -
Collection of Sorcar Ephemera
$125.00 -
Le Medecin Magnetiseur
$70.00 -
MaGuire & Risley's Japanese Troupe, Harper's Weekly
$42.00 -
Jester and His Marotte, Harper's Weekly
$40.00 -
The Magic Mirror, the Illustrated London News
$40.00 -
Burmese Conjurer Performance, Harper's Weekly
$35.00 -
The Centennial Exposition, Harper's Weekly
$40.00 -
The Circus Coming Into Town, Harper's Weekly
$35.00 -
Stuart Cumberland on Japanese Newspaper
$85.00 -
Le Pele-Mele Cups and Balls Illustration
$25.00 -
Sorcar Ephemera
$90.00 -
The Wizard Hat Rack Advertisement
$19.00 -
Prenten-Magazijn Voor de Jeugd
$175.00 -
Unlucky at Cards, Lucky in Love
$65.00 -
Paper Folding, the Ladies' Home Journal
$25.00 -
Jester, the Illustrated London News
$40.00 -
P. T. Barnum Article in the Illustrated London News
$40.00 -
A Case of Jugglery, Harper's Weekly
$35.00 -
Ancient Magic, Harper's Weekly
$35.00 -
The Mango Trick, Harper's Weekly
$35.00 -
The Gem Puzzle, Harper's Weekly
$35.00 -
The Travelling Magician, Harper's Weekly
$35.00 -
The Sphinx Pictorial Review, Duval
$10.00 -
The Potsdam Variety Troupe
$50.00 -
Punch, or the London Charivari Vol LVII Title Page
$30.00 -
Puck Print
$40.00 -
Sherms Magic Set Label
$25.00 -
The Chinese Puzzle
$19.00 -
The Giant and the Dwarf
$25.00 -
Frank Willard Thomas
$22.00 -
Virgil Ephemera
$200.00 -
Harper's Weekly Volume XXVIIL., No. 1450
$35.00 -
The Alchemist
$12.00 -
The Irish Tom Thumb
$25.00 -
The Magic Mirror: Punch, or the London Charivari
$25.00 -
Mystery and Mummery; or Houdin and the Arabs and Ventriloquism, and How to Acquire the Art
$22.00 -
Joey Grimaldi: Punch, or the London Charivari
$25.00 -
Morrissey's Gambling-House at Saratoga
$22.00 -
Theatrical Advisery Cards
$30.00 -
Goto The Juggler Clipping
$20.00 -
German Gambling Print
$30.00 -
Dante Playbill in Spanish
$25.00 -
Vampire Mirror, Issue No. 1
$20.00 -
Hughes News
$40.00 -
Journal Normandie, 18 Aout 1943
$20.00 -
The Jansen Herald, Australian Edition
$40.00 -
George W. Pughe's Comedy Players