A. Bruyns Photograph
$10.00 -
Francisco Walsh the Fire Eater Photographs
$20.00 -
Houdini in the Amsterdam Prison Poster
$30.00 -
John Calvert Group Ephemera
$350.00 -
The Great Raymond Portrait
$15.00 -
Okito Checker Cabinet Postcard
$25.00 -
The Tarbells Christmas Card
$15.00 -
20th Annual F. F. F. F. Photograph
$20.00 -
Guy Anthony Hypnotist Ephemera
$25.00 -
Carl Garray & Tomio Photographs
$25.00 -
Bruce Johnson Ephemera
$25.00 -
Don Oltz Portrait
$8.00 -
Jon Oliver Escape Artist Photograph
$15.00 -
Herman Hanson Boston Assembly #9 Society of American Magicians
$20.00 -
Jane Jarrow Portrait
$8.00 -
Peter Pit Portrait
$8.00 -
Maskelyne & Devant's Mysteries at St. George's Hall
$20.00 -
Will Goldston Reproduction Portrait
$15.00 -
Everette Ingram Stage Photographs
$45.00 -
Arthur Emerson Portrait
$12.00 -
Joseffy Card Rise Photograph
$22.00 -
Mark Wilson Photograph
$15.00 -
Harry Marvello Photographs
$20.00 -
Viggo Jahn Photographs
$20.00 -
Nick Ruggiero Stage Photograph
$25.00 -
Bob Lewis Photographs
$17.00 -
Billy McComb Photograph
$25.00 -
Del Ray Performance Photograph
$75.00 -
Mike Caveney Inscribed and Signed Photograph
$15.00 -
Dorny Portrait
$15.00 -
Ace Gorham Photograph
$12.00 -
Harry Bjorklund Chalk Talk Photograph
$25.00 -
Bill Schreiber Photograph
$25.00 -
Franz Harary Early Illusion Photograph
$22.00 -
Woeful Willie, Inc. Publicity Photograph
$12.00 -
Magician with Abbott's Feather Flowers
$25.00 -
New England Magician Members of S. A. M. and I. B. M. Photograph
$25.00 -
Nascimento Zombie Ball Photograph
$10.00 -
John Henry Grossman Portrait
$15.00 -
William Matthews Photograph
$15.00 -
Dick Miller Photograph
$6.00 -
Unknown Magician Portraits
$15.00 -
Mickey Photographs
$6.00 -
Collection of Paul Driscoll Photographs
$15.00 -
Tom Ogden Inscribed and Signed Photograph
$15.00 -
Albert Goshman Photograph
$15.00 -
Bo-Bo the Whimsical Clown Photograph
$6.00 -
Walt Anthony Zombie Ball Photograph
$8.00 -
Professor Mirabilis of the Mystic Midway
$8.00 -
Ken Sherburne Photographs
$14.00 -
Tom Tucker Portrait
$8.00 -
Doug Henning Photograph
$25.00 -
Ward Thomas Photograph
$10.00 -
The Valentines: Duke and Duchess of Deception
$15.00 -
Mr. Mystery Photograph and Business Card
$12.00 -
Edgar Bergen Photograph
$25.00 -
Henri the Card Artist Photograph
$15.00 -
Ned Way Portrait
$8.00 -
George E. Chartier Photograph
$10.00 -
Wilfrid Beckman Publicity Photograph
$15.00 -
Virgil, Inscribed and Signed Portrait
$50.00 -
The Great Raymond Framed Dressing Room Photograph
$65.00 -
Doidge, The Card Trickster
$13.00 -
Carl Rosini Photograph
$75.00 -
Harry Lauder Playing Golf in Shanghai
$65.00 -
Ronn Lucas Inscribed and Signed Photograph
$11.00 -
The Great Raymond Poster Photographs
$22.00 -
Fu-Manchu Poster Photograph
$15.00 -
Fredo Marvelli Photograph
$20.00 -
Ringling Brothers Vintage Print
$22.00 -
Jean Foley and Lorraine Hueber Photograph
$70.00 -
Nina Guest Dollhouse Illusion Photograph
$30.00 -
Magician Performing for School Children Snapshots
$28.00 -
Portrait of a Magician
$18.00 -
John Calvert Publicity Photograph
$18.00 -
Evelyn - Mr. Anthony Photograph
$6.00 -
Tom Bowyer Photograph
$15.00 -
Clark Crandall Photograph
$22.00 -
Mahendra Christmas Postcard
$35.00 -
Peter Kersten Photograph
$8.00 -
Milton Kort Photograph
$12.00 -
Group of Five Harry Blackstone Negatives
$90.00$150.00 -
Pair of Blackstone Postcards
$42.00 -
David Copperfield Inscribed and Signed Photograph
$30.00 -
Jane Jarrow Photograph
$22.00 -
Arthur Emerson and Frank Furkey Photographs
$18.00 -
Dean Smith Postcard
$15.00 -
Victor Barbour Stage Postcard
$45.00 -
Harry Blackstone and a Magic Gathering
$40.00 -
Geoffrey Buckingham Photos
$35.00 -
Leslie Guest Gag Photograph
$35.00 -
Collection of Hardeen Newspaper Ad Mats
$125.00 -
Bob Lynn and Larry Weeks Photographs
$22.00 -
Harry Blackstone Performs with a Woman's Ring
$25.00 -
Christopher Woodward Publicity Photograph
$15.00 -
Young Woman Posing for the Camera
$22.00 -
Russ Walsh Postcard
$20.00 -
Omar Pacha Photographs
$22.00 -
John Cornelius Fun Pack
$35.00 -
Earl Tauber Postcard
$30.00 -
Oliver Hart Photograph
$60.00 -
William (Bill) T. Neff Photograph
$65.00 -
Tommy Tomlin Photograph
$40.00 -
Russell L. Secrest Portrait
$40.00 -
John Braun Family Photo Negatives
$25.00 -
Silent Mora Portrait
$15.00 -
Duke Stern Portrait
$18.00 -
Photographs of Escape Artists
$40.00 -
Some Magic Dealers Past and Present Here and Abroad Large Photograph
$125.00 -
Birch Fold Out Brochure and Photograph
$45.00 -
Photographs by Tom Mullica
$40.00 -
Harold F. Puff Photograph
$12.00 -
Jim Sommers On Stage
$12.00 -
Paul Daniels Photographs
$25.00 -
Harry Blackstone Candid Portrait
$35.00 -
Houdini Magical Hall of Fame Photograph
$25.00 -
Duke Stern and Karrell Fox on Stage
$30.00 -
Arthur Tracy Signed Photograph
$45.00 -
Oliver Hardy Signed Photograph
$200.00 -
Ray-Mond Photographs and Ticket