The Magic Menu, Year Two: September 1991-August 1992
$20.00 -
$225.00 -
A Real Miracle: Special Issue, The Aldine Boys' Own Magic & Trick Books 1994
$35.00 -
The Vernon Touch
$175.00 -
The Original Tarbell Course in Magic
$175.00 -
Magic Handbook 1962 Edition
$15.00 -
Dope Sheet
$30.00 -
Chap's Scrapbook 1-24
$35.00 -
The Wizard's Annual (Complete File)
$200.00 -
New Lines from Lawton, Volume I and II
$50.00 -
Syzygy, Volume 1-5
$100.00 -
The Sphinx (Complete File)
$3,900.00 -
The Magic Menu, The First Five Years
$45.00 -
Carl Rosini on the Billboard
$18.00 -
Collectors' Bulletin (Complete File)
$275.00 -
Mortimer's Magic Magazine (Complete File)
$225.00 -
Club 71 (Complete File)
$175.00 -
The Devil's Den
$75.00 -
The Wizard's Annual (Complete File)
$250.00 -
The Fireside Library, No. 77
$20.00 -
Magic Castle Open Sesame, January 2003
$20.00 -
The Young Wizard (Signed)
$115.00 -
Work and Win, Illustration of a Magician
$25.00 -
The Magic Menu, Year Four: September 1993-August 1994
$22.00 -
The Magic Menu, Year Three: September 1992-August 1993
$22.00 -
A Real Miracle: Special Issue, The Two Novras
$40.00 -
Magical Arts Journal
$45.00 -
The Mentalist
$55.00 -
Gibeciere, Winter 2007
$32.00 -
Gibeciere, Summer 2010
$32.00 -
The Linx (Complete File)
$200.00 -
Gibeciere, Winter 2013
$35.00 -
Ninth Collectors Annual
$100.00 -
Magigram Presentation Copy, Edwin Hooper Issue
$45.00 -
Fushigi Vol. 4 No. 14
$65.00 -
Automaton Band Print
$85.00 -
Epoptica (Complete File)
$500.00 -
Cabinet, Issue 26: Magic
$20.00 -
Magicana Fiftieth Anniversary, New Zealand's International Magazine for Magicians
$12.00 -
Will Goldston's Annual of Magic 1915-16
$50.00 -
Bulletin of the New York Public Library, Volume 55 - Number 3
$45.00 -
The Linx (Complete File)
$200.00 -
Collectors' Bulletin, Complete File
$150.00 -
Will Goldston Bundle
$90.00 -
Genii Magazine Volume 47, No. 1
$9.00 -
Impromptu Trixter, Vol. 1 No. 1
$75.00 -
Magic Vol. No.1 - 3 (Periodical)
$65.00 -
The Journal of Magic History, Volume II Number 3
$12.00 -
The Modern Magician, Complete File and Other Magazines
$275.00 -
Gilbert's Magical Broadcaster Vol. 1 No. 61
$18.00 -
The Journal of the Institute of Magicians, Set of Five
$50.00 -
The Occult Review
$40.00 -
Phil Temple's July 1996 Magic Memorabilia List (Color Photo Illustrated)
$20.00 -
Robots Which Play Games
$25.00 -
Genii: The International Conjurors' Magazine, Dante
$10.00 -
Not Your Grandfather's Vegas: Lance Burton Article
$12.00 -
The Monthly Review, For January, 1775
$70.00 -
Zoroaster The Magian Priest
$20.00 -
Scala News Vols. 2-6
$40.00 -
Hugard's Annual of Magic 1937
$30.00 -
Impromptu Trixter, Vol. 1 No. 1, Complete File
$75.00 -
Stanyon's Magic
$85.00 -
The Boy's Own Volume
$40.00 -
The Magician Annual 1909-1910
$50.00 -
Eighth Collectors Annual International Guide to Posters & Playbills
$70.00 -
Vidu Perfected Presentations Vol. 2
$100.00 -
Annual of Magic 1915-16