All Artwork | Posters
Le Grand David Glittery Phoenix Poster, Signed
$250.00 -
Le Grand David Okito Production Screen Poster
$15.00 -
Irving the Magician and Company Poster
$125.00 -
John Calvert Magicarama Spanish Window Card
$45.00 -
Le Grand David and His Own Spectacular Magic Company Poster
$12.00 -
Le Grand David, the Cabot Street Cinema Theatre Poster
$30.00 -
Birch, Master Magician and Company Poster
$75.00 -
Kellar Levitation Reproduction Poster
$15.00 -
Blackstone Oriental Nights Reproduction Poster
$15.00 -
Toni Moretto Decorative Plate
$425.00 -
Ray-Mond and His Cavalcade of Mysteries Poster
$45.00 -
Barclay's Dictionary, Word Gamester Engraving
$150.00 -
Escamoteur Hand-Colored Lithograph
$150.00 -
Carter Beats the Devil Window Card in Frame
$300.00 -
Le Grand David and His Own Spectacular Magic Company, Signed
$70.00 -
Nuits d'Europe (European Nights) Movie Poster
$95.00 -
John Calvert Olimpia Theatre Signed Poster
$75.00 -
Frontier Gambler Poster
$25.00 -
Bunco Squad Poster
$100.00 -
Frank Garcia: World Renowned Magician, Author Lecturer Poster
$125.00 -
Germain the Wizard Lithographed Poster, Framed
$900.00 -
A Séance with a Seer Illustration
$40.00 -
Masquerades and Operas, Burlington Gate Engraving
$70.00 -
Humours of Horse-Racing a Hundred Years Ago
$45.00 -
Vue du Palais de Justice Engraving
$100.00 -
Bastille Square in 1864 Lithograph
$85.00 -
The Playing Card Museum Poster
$45.00 -
Polack Bros. Circus Poster
$65.00 -
Clyde Beatty Circus Clown Poster
$55.00 -
John Calvert Magicarama Signed Poster, Framed
$125.00 -
The Amazing Rooklyn Window Card
$55.00 -
Russell Bros. Greater American Circus Poster
$90.00 -
Russell Bros. Circus Poster
$50.00 -
Christiani Bros. Wild Animal Circus Poster
$45.00 -
Dan Rice Big 3 Ring Circus Poster
$65.00 -
The Great Levante, Steel Trunk Mystery Poster
$150.00 -
Merlin Hypnotist Poster
$125.00 -
Max Malini Framed Photograph
$65.00 -
Porcelain Robert-Houdin Statue
$1,800.00 -
Robert Macaire Magnetizer (Hypnotist)
$40.00 -
Marvelli Poster
$80.00 -
Anthony Dunn "Collage of Magicians" Magicians Poster
$100.00 -
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Philadelphia Poster
$85.00 -
Ringling Bros. Circus Camden Poster
$65.00 -
Al G. Kelly & Miller Bros. Circus / Living Giraffe Poster
$70.00 -
Al G. Kelly & Miller Bros. Circus Clown Poster
$65.00 -
Conjuror Illustration from Punch's Almanack for 1908
$50.00 -
Harry Blackstone's Modern Card Tricks Illustrations Printer's Proofs
$85.00 -
Norgil Poster
$65.00 -
Magic Performance Illustration from the Punch, or the London Charivari
$50.00 -
Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly Hand Tinted Engraving
$85.00 -
Gogia Pasha 1954 Calendar Poster
$150.00 -
Lee Grabel Poster
$100.00 -
Sorcar Korean Poster
$75.00 -
Card Motif Beer Stein
$45.00 -
Framed Portrait of Hofzinser
$150.00 -
Lithophane Beer Stein
$200.00 -
Vintage German Beer Mug
$25.00 -
Raffinati Vintage Dice Cufflinks
$30.00 -
Peter Dumler German Beer Stein
$125.00 -
Charakterisches Buhnenbild Decorative Porcelain Mug
$40.00 -
Maro Prince of Magic, The Cabinet of Balsamo Window Card
$200.00 -
Maro Prince of Magic, Incubation a la Magique Window Card
$200.00 -
Maro Prince of Magic, Flags of the World Window Card
$325.00 -
Hellstrom, the Man with the Sixth Sense Window Card
$150.00 -
Jack Gwynne I. B. M. Convention Window Card
$115.00 -
George, Triumphant American Tour Framed Poster
$425.00 -
John Calvert Gold Fever Framed Poster, Signed
$100.00 -
Sunahya Poster
$200.00 -
Green the Magician Broadside
$35.00 -
The Joker is Wild Poster
$23.00 -
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus 1976 World Premiere Poster
$50.00 -
Le Grand David, Spectacular Magic Company Poster
$15.00 -
The Great Leonard Poster
$22.00 -
The Great Lyle
$125.00 -
130th Brooklyn Fair Window Card
$10.00 -
Davis, the Man Who Mystifies Window Card
$125.00 -
Magic With Doc Maxam – Impresario of the Impossible Window Card
$350.00 -
Prince Vishnu and Princess Rama Window Card (Inscribed and Signed)
$40.00 -
Warren E. Simms Window Card
$25.00 -
De-Casho the Magician Window Card
$45.00 -
Doug Henning Presents a New Evening of Magic & Wonder Window Card
$25.00 -
The Great Virgil and His Ten Ton Mystic Circus Window Card
$85.00 -
Russ Burgess Window Card
$35.00 -
Hardeen Jr. "Houdini Lives Again" Window Card
$42.00 -
Magic Show Window Card
$25.00 -
Gogia Pasha Calendar Poster
$35.00 -
The Great Raymond Long Beach Municipal Auditorium Broadside
$17.00 -
Jay-Zee, Master of Hypnotic Hi-Jinks Window Card
$175.00 -
The Great Raymond Sexta Tournee Mundial Broadside
$40.00 -
Evans Brown: Piano, Accordionist, Harpist, and Magician Poster
$85.00 -
Society of American Magicians 62nd Annual Convention Poster
$15.00 -
Hank Lee's Cape Cod Magic Conclave Poster
$15.00 -
67th Abbott's Magic Get-Together Poster
$13.00 -
Michael Finney Caricature Poster
$20.00 -
Dante at Nixon Theatre Reproduction Poster
$20.00 -
Birch, The Vanishing Pony Reproduction Poster
$20.00 -
Thurston's Arabian Steed Reproduction Poster
$35.00 -
Le Grand David and His Own Spectacular Magic Company Poster
$25.00 -
Channing Pollock, Judex Poster
$80.00 -
The Great Jansen Reproduction Poster
$20.00 -
Thurston, World's Famous Magician Reproduction Poster
$30.00 -
Zaubermeister Kassner
$150.00 -
Le Grand David and His Own Spectacular Magic Company Poster
$22.00 -
Kramer & Co. Poster (Inscribed and Signed)
$15.00 -
Kovari's Easter Magic Cavalcade Poster
$25.00 -
The Great Morton Wonder Show Poster
$30.00 -
Thomas Elmore Lucy Poster
$30.00 -
Dale Scott "The Future of Magic" Poster (Inscribed and Signed)
$12.00 -
Rauscher the Magician Poster
$20.00 -
Germain the Wizard Reproduction Poster
$20.00 -
Barardo and Company Poster
$40.00 -
Bob Brown & Brenda Japanese Poster
$15.00 -
The Great Kramien Master of Illusion Poster
$20.00 -
Virgil and Julie Present One Fantastic Night Poster
$40.00 -
Naniwa International Magic Convention Poster
$15.00 -
The Stouffville Magic Festival Poster
$20.00 -
Roger & Lee Ann's Grand Illusions Poster
$10.00 -
La Baraque - De Kermistent by Edgard Tytgat Poster
$35.00 -
Le Grand David, Salute to Magic '85 Poster