Products by "The Supreme Magic Co."
"Drumhead" Candle to Silks
$60.00 -
Clever… Like a Fox (Inscribed and Signed)
$55.00 -
Another Book (Inscribed and Signed)
$55.00 -
Ken Brooke's Magic: The Unique Years
$50.00 -
Giant Come Together Silk
$50.00 -
Exceptional Concepts
$40.00 -
Another Book
$35.00 -
Genie Presentations
$25.00 -
Supreme Second Magic Week-End Souvenir Programme
$25.00 -
Best Sellers
$20.00 -
Mainly Manipulative Magic
$18.00 -
Bernard's Lesson on Coin Magic
$15.00 -
The Hindu Thread Trick often Referred to as Gypsy Thread
$15.00 -
Rovi Reveals (Inscribed and Signed)
$15.00 -
Patently Obscure
$15.00 -
The Lilliputians
$15.00 -
The Last Word on Cups and Balls
$12.00 -
The Supreme Catalogue of Books & Publications
$12.00 -
The Floating and Dancing Cane
$12.00 -
Rings Supreme