Products by "Magic, inc."
Epoptica (Complete File)
$500.00 -
Money Cups (Wooden Cups)
$100.00 -
A Visit with Larry Jennings
$95.00 -
The Man Who Was Erdnase
$75.00 -
Topper's Mad, Mad, Magic
$75.00 -
Marlo, the Final Cut
$69.95 -
Close Up Illusions
$50.00 -
Kennard's Mystery Box
$50.00 -
Jarrett (Misprint)
$45.00 -
Theatrical Magic
$45.00 -
Steranko on Cards
$40.00 -
The Ireland Year Book for 1951-1960
$40.00 -
Ron Frost's Card Miracles: After the Force
$40.00 -
Group of Magic, Inc. Catalogs
$40.00 -
Modern Coin Magic
$40.00 -
Patrick Reymond's Deadlock
$35.00 -
Natural Selections, Volume II
$35.00 -
Ponsin on Conjuring
$35.00 -
Modern Coin Magic
$32.00 -
The Year Book Reader, 1934 to 1950
$30.00 -
The Bongo Book (Inscribed and Signed)
$30.00 -
Michael Skinner's Intimate Magic
$30.00 -
Year Book 1965-6
$30.00 -
Year Book 1967-8 Featuring A Salute to Comedy
$30.00 -
Cutting Cards Classifying Deck
$30.00 -
Newspaper Magic (Inscribed and Signed)
$30.00 -
The Marian Chavez: Encyclopedia of Dove Magic
$30.00 -
The Cardician
$25.00 -
The Comedy Act
$25.00 -
My Way to Mentalism
$25.00 -
The Magic World of Stewart Judah
$25.00 -
Kid Stuff III
$25.00 -
Topper's Mad, Mad, Magic
$25.00 -
So You Want to be a Magician!, Inscribed and Signed
$25.00 -
Richard Osterlind's Three Miracle Routines
$22.00 -
Betcha!: How to Win Free Drinks for Life
$22.00 -
A Lifetime of Joy
$22.00 -
Shigeo Takagi's Miracle Monte
$20.00 -
Okito Coin Box Routines
$20.00 -
Modern Coin Magic
$20.00 -
Epoptica Yearbook: All-Trick Special
$20.00 -
Packet Magic
$20.00 -
Al Leech's Legacy
$20.00 -
Meir Yedid's Incredible Close-Up Magician
$20.00 -
Finger on the Card: Master of Magic, Vol. 1, No. 1
$18.00 -
Magic, Inc. Catalogue No. 21
$18.00 -
Lots of Lawton
$18.00 -
Thimble Magic
$18.00 -
Kid Stuff Five
$15.00 -
Carl Rosini: His Life and His Magic
$15.00 -
The Camirand Academy of Magic: Masters of Magic Series, Vol. 1 No. 5
$15.00 -
The Camirand Academy of Magic: Masters of Magic Series, Vol. 1 No. 1
$15.00 -
Tokyo Trickery
$15.00 -
Stage Mentalism
$15.00 -
Manipulating with Leech
$15.00 -
Center Tear Technique
$15.00 -
It's Easier Than You Think, Vol. 1
$15.00 -
Paper Capers (Inscribed and Signed)
$13.00 -
Fun with a Handkerchief
$13.00 -
Super Card Man Stuff
$12.00 -
The "Magic Ink" Line of Book Catalogs, Book Catalog Two
$12.00 -
Newspaper Magic
$12.00 -
One Balloon Zoo
$12.00 -
Modern Illusions
$12.00 -
Final Edition
$12.00 -
The Happy Birthday Business
$12.00 -
Magic Ink
$12.00 -
The Trade Show Handbook
$12.00 -
Funder Box Fooleries, Inscribed and Signed
$12.00 -
Jaspernese Thumb-Tie
$10.00 -
The Kid Stuff of Louis Bertol
$10.00 -
Close-Up Time with Don Alan
$10.00 -
Kid Stuff Volume Four
$8.00 -
Harry George Versus Magic
$8.00 -
The Sponge Book
$8.00 -
For Card Men Only
$8.00 -
The Sponge Book
$8.00 -
Magic, Inc. Mid 80s Import Book Catalogue
$8.00 -
Bongo's Bazaar, An Evening of Pongolian Rubbish Lecture Notes