Products by "Dover Publications, Inc."
Houdini on Magic
$30.00 -
Panorama of Magic
$20.00 -
Hoffmann's Modern Magic
$15.00 -
Exclusive Magical Secrets
$12.00 -
Card Magic for Amateurs and Professionals
$12.00 -
The Royal Road to Card Magic
$12.00 -
Amusements in Mathematics
$12.00 -
The New Magician's Manual
$12.00 -
Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks
$12.00 -
Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks
$10.00 -
More Hand Shadows to Be Thrown Upon the Wall
$10.00 -
Panorama of Magic
$10.00 -
Self-Working Card Tricks
$8.00 -
Handkerchief Magic
$8.00 -
More Card Manipulations, Series 1-4
$8.00 -
Self-Working Card Tricks
$7.00 -
Self-Working Number Magic
$7.00 -
Self-Working Rope Magic
$7.00 -
Self-Working Coin Magic
$7.00 -
Self-Working Mental Magic
$7.00 -
Slef-Working Handkerchief Magic
$7.00 -
Self-Working Paper Magic
$7.00 -
Six Circus Poster Postcards
$7.00 -
Annemann's Card Magic
$6.00 -
The Art of Magic
$6.00 -
Self-Working Table Magic
$6.00 -
The Secrets of Houdini
$6.00 -
Practical Mental Magic