Products by "Walter B. Gibson"
The New Magician's Manual
$125.00 -
Magician's Manual
$75.00 -
Magician's Manual
$75.00 -
Houdini's Escapes
$55.00 -
The Book of Secrets: Miracles, Ancient and Modern
$50.00 -
The World's Best Book of Magic
$40.00 -
The Shadow: The Crime Oracle and Teeth of the Dragon
$35.00 -
The Book of Secrets: Miracles, Ancient and Modern
$30.00 -
The Book of Magic
$30.00 -
Big Book of Magic for All Ages
$28.00 -
The Complete Illustrated Book of Close-Up Magic
$25.00 -
Popular Card Tricks
$25.00 -
Walter Gibson's Encyclopedia of Magic and Conjuring
$22.00 -
Houdini on Magic
$20.00 -
Secrets of Magic
$18.00 -
Houdini's Fabulous Magic
$17.99 -
Houdini on Magic
$15.00 -
$15.00 -
Walter Gibson's Big Book of Magic for All Ages
$15.00 -
What's New in Magic
$15.00 -
What's New in Magic
$15.00 -
Fell's Guide to Papercraft Tricks, Games and Puzzles
$15.00 -
Walter B. Gibson Memorial Service Announcement
$14.00 -
The New Magician's Manual
$12.00 -
Secrets of Magic
$12.00 -
$12.00 -
$12.00 -
Magic Explained
$11.00 -
Magic Made Easy
$10.00 -
Card Magic Made Easy
$10.00 -
Houdini's Fabulous Magic
$10.00 -
Professional Magic for Amateurs
$8.00 -
Houdini's Fabulous Magic
$8.00 -
Houdini's Fabulous Magic