Products by "Milbourne Christopher"
TW's GM, The Great Sorcar
$75.00 -
The Illustrated History of Magic
$40.00 -
Christopher's Favorite Routines: Cards, Ropes and Mentalism
$35.00 -
Panorama of Prestidigitators
$30.00 -
Magic Circle Dinner
$25.00 -
Milbourne Christopher Advertisement
$22.00 -
The Sphinx: Golden Jubilee Book of Magic
$20.00 -
Houdini: A Pictorial Biography, Including More Than 250 Illustrations
$20.00 -
Panorama of Magic
$20.00 -
Varied Deceptions
$20.00 -
King of the Conjurers: Memoirs of Robert-Houdin
$15.00 -
Milbourne Christopher: Longacre Theatre
$15.00 -
Mediums, Mystics & the Occult
$12.00 -
Milbourne Christopher Featured in the Best in Entertainment 1949-1950
$10.00 -
Panorama of Magic
$10.00 -
Panorama of Magic
$10.00 -
Fifty Tricks with a Thumb Tip