Products by "Henry"
The Fashionable Science of Parlor Magic
$400.00 -
The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the Second Marquis of Worcester
$275.00 -
The Spirit World Unmasked
$250.00 -
Lectures Before the Thompson Street Poker Club
$250.00 -
The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the Second Marquis of Worcester
$250.00 -
Chinese Economy
$225.00 -
Half Hours of Scientific Amusement
$225.00 -
The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist
$225.00 -
Cagliostro: A Sorcerer of the Eighteenth Century.
$200.00 -
The Boy's Playbook of Science
$165.00 -
The Boy's Playbook of Science
$165.00 -
The Old and New Magic
$150.00 -
Magic and Its Professors
$150.00 -
The Napoleon Myth
$150.00 -
Cagliostro: A Sorcerer of the Eighteenth Century.
$150.00 -
Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair
$135.00 -
Scientific Amusements
$125.00 -
Le Sourcier Moderne: Manuel de l'Operateur a la Baguette et au Pendule
$115.00 -
History of Conjuring and Magic
$115.00 -
Some Rare Old Books on Conjuring and Magic
$110.00 -
The Old and the New Magic
$100.00 -
The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist
$100.00 -
History of Conjuring and Magic
$100.00 -
Adventures in Magic
$100.00 -
$100.00 -
The Playbook of Metals
$80.00 -
Valentine Vox
$80.00 -
The Wonders of Science; or, Young Humphry Davy
$75.00 -
The Art of Memory
$75.00 -
Marvels of Invention and Scientific Puzzles
$72.00 -
Henry Valleau "Science of Hypnotism" Window Card
$70.00 -
Program Featuring Henry Dixey
$65.00 -
Black Art or Magic Made Easy
$60.00 -
The Boy's Book of Science
$55.00 -
The Book of Drawing-Room Plays and Evening Amusements
$50.00 -
Melody Magic
$50.00 -
Evening Amusements
$45.00 -
Snapshots of Ohio Magicians Gathering
$40.00 -
Hand-Book of Games
$30.00 -
Peterson's Familiar Science
$30.00 -
Cyclopedia of Magic
$25.00 -
Magic Top
$25.00 -
Dr. John Henry Grossman Token MT148.100
$25.00 -
2000 Three Card Monte
$22.00 -
Modern Times
$22.00 -
ExtraSensory Deception
$22.00 -
Charles and Henry Rigoletto Program
$22.00 -
Dr. John Henry Grossman Token MT148.100
$20.00 -
Cyclopedia of Magic
$20.00 -
John Henry Grossman Portrait
$15.00 -
$12.00 -
Coins Through...
$12.00 -
Learn Magic
$10.00 -
More Hand Shadows to Be Thrown Upon the Wall
$10.00 -
The Amateur Magician's Handbook
$10.00 -
Henry Gordon's World of Magic
$8.00 -
The Amateur Magician's Handbook