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Tenyo Phantoma (T-177)

  • AP0115
  • Manufacturer: Japan: Tenyo
  • Date: 1996
  • Size: 6 x 6.5 x 2
  • Condition: very good

"A mysterious spook seems to inhabit a small haunted house. Even though the house is obviously empty, suddenly, when you shake it, an object can be heard inside rattling around: it is Phantoma, the house ghost! Dump the ghost into an empty handkerchief and the form of the ghost can be seen trying to get out. The ghost vanishes from the hanky and comes back to the house where he can be heard again. Immediately hand the haunted house out to your audience, but they can find no trace of the spirit visitor." Created by Tomoyuki Shimomura. Discontinued by Tenyo. Original box with Magic Shop sticker, previously opened, but appears unused; contains all parts and instructions.

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