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  • MA1709.jpg
  • Author/Editor: David Regal
  • Date: 2013
  • Size: Passport 5 x 3.5"
  • Condition: Very Good

The performer displays an embossed leather passport case. If desired, it can be encircled with large rubber bands going in both directions. A card is selected. The spectator writes the name of a place he’d like to visit on the card (Paris, Rome, etc.) The card is returned to the deck. The performer picks up the passport case, waves it over the deck, and announces the name of the location the spectator chose. With empty hands, the performer takes the rubber bands off the leather case, and opens it – inside is a passport. Riffling through the passport pages, various stamps are seen… as well as a playing card stuck between the pages. The card is removed, and it proves to be the spectator’s freely chosen card, with their own handwriting on it. Includes the original box, a disc, and gimmicks. Very good condition.

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