Juggling Made Easy!
$6.00 -
Want to Be a Juggler?
$35.00 -
Indoor Games and Recreations
$80.00 -
Juggling for Fun and Entertainment
$10.00 -
Ventriloquism and Juggling
$12.00 -
Magical Hints, Valuable Information: Book Three
$50.00 -
Pocket Entertainments, A Series
$45.00 -
Hocus Pocus Junior: The Anatomy of Legerdemain, or, The Art of Jugling
$375.00 -
$15.00 -
$45.00 -
The Boy's Own Book of Indoor Games and Recreations
$95.00 -
Around the World with a Magician and a Juggler
$125.00 -
Three Ball Digest
$15.00 -
Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity
$150.00 -
Jacke Jugeler